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Book your Tasting

Choose from suggested menus and book a tasting of wines and foods from Sicily.
Wines and menus may be varied according to harvest, season and availability.
We inform the kind clientele that it will not be possible to book a tasting from JANUARY 01 to MARCH 18 as the winery will be closed.

Degustazione solo Vino

Degustazione guidata dei vini di nostra produzione e visita della cantina.
1h 30m
29 € a persona

Degustazione vini & light lunch

Degustazione vini con abbinamento di prodotti tipici siciliani seguita da un tour guidato della cantina.
42 € a persona

Full Vintage Selection

Degustazione vini annate correnti e vecchie annate con abbinamento di prodotti tipici siciliani seguita da un tour guidato della cantina.
59 € a persona

"To say stupendous is still an understatement!" I was at Gambino Winery today. What can I say we were welcomed like princes. Without an appointment without calling us first. Top wines what can I say amazing wines. The service was top notch thanks to Federica and all the staff and of course the owner. Absolutely to recommend.

Giuseppe RTripadvisor